“I really enjoyed “part one” of the WSR today. I really needed that refresher. I must admit, I was getting kind of lost this past week about just where we were in all of this, this market. Sort of like a pilot up there in the sky getting disoriented. Even after a year of following the charts and your daily postings RELIGOUSLY, a guy can sometimes get a little lost. So, the “re-orientation” really helped, especially the part about the Dean’s List NOT helping one manage the “sells”. I want to admit that I’ve made that mistake before. I figure it might be good for you, the educator, if a guy like me is giving you HONEST feedback once in a while about the common mistakes that some of us “newbies” make, even though we’re diligent students. I have also been guilty of pulling the flowers out by the roots too soon, on occasion. Fortunately, I’ve made my moves within my means and have been pretty conservative too, actually maybe too cautious at times. All in all, my trading experience has been fun and profitable and I never would have generated a continuing interest at all if not for you.You keep it fun, educational and EXCITING. It’s been the best educational experience of my life, truly.”
“I might have been foolish but I took all profits off the table today. Next week is Rosh Hashanna and I won’t be around for a couple of days. I don’t want to think about it. If I miss the last few points oh well. There is a feeling I have now that I think things are too far ahead. In March of 2000 and In 2007 and 2008 no one rung a bell to tell me it was a top . It is so hard to believe trading your way is so disciplined and easy. Yes, easy . Your explanations of how you think things out is very helpful. Have a nice weekend.”“Thank you for everything that you have done for all of us!!! Be well,”
“Caro Professore, Again you were so right, I am way up. I love metals.”
“You’re amazing. Thank you, Hank, for putting emphasis on buy and sell discipline. It makes a huge difference.”
“Enjoyed the class last week tremendously. As an engineer myself, I love your pracitical approach towards the market.”
“Thank you for the class. I am really learning. Can’t wait to review the slides from last night’s class.”
“Really enjoyed your class and wish I was your next door neighbor!”
“Thank you for all the knowledge you have shared. I enjoyed your class very much and I’m finally in the position (reach the age of 59 ½ ) where I can take advantage of your information. Thanks again for a great class.”
“Class last night was good especially for the current environment. Just listening to the attendees at break and afterwards, they all felt good and a little more sure of themselves.”
“Thanks for all you do in the class to educate us. I have gotten out of 90% of my mutual funds and am in a money market fund for most of that…..also taken 100% of my profit-sharing and parked it in the money market option.”
“Last night’s class was one of your best. I look forward to reviewing the notes.”
“I have learned so much in these classes, and am finding all of it
fascinating. Thank you!”
“Yor presentation tonight was very good. Can I please have a copy of your powerpoint slides from tonight, and from your class I took a while ago. I look forward to using them for reinforcing your theories while I learn and trade stocks.”
” I enjoyed the class tonight even though you scared the death out of me. I would appreciate you e-mailing the power-point to me. Also, if you ever have a day class I am sure you would fill it up regarding hands-on trading. You name the price.”
“Great job tonight, as always. Please send me your slides. Many thanks.”
“Dear Prof Swiencinski,
Thanks for your email. I did not send you an email to thank you earlier this week for doing this class but feel it is appropriate in response to your email. I am a PhD, RN and have taught nursing for 30 years at both U Maryland and Boston College. My husband was the Harvard Business School MBA and he always invested for us until he died at 47 with colon cancer. He left a large percentage of our portfolio in stocks and told me not to touch it. Since that time, I have been doing what he advised for 10 years.
Although I still have trouble following all the technical info you provide in class, last week I heard you when the gun went to the head and the duck was waddling. I went home and looked and I had 75% in stocks. The next day, I called my friend who works for Morgan Stanley and asked her to help me liquidate it and I was going to do it Friday when it was down about 300. Monday, I said do it. She convinced me to leave 20% in stocks. I had to strongly tell her I wanted out but would agree to leave 20. She wasn’t in agreement but helped me. Of course, that Monday the Dow was up 5 points and I was doing a happy dance. I slept better this past week because Tuesday I bought CD’s with the proceeds from my stocks and I am going to leave the money in CD’s for a while until things improve sometime down the road.
I want you to know that you saved me lots of money from doing the class and it is widows like me that really appreciate the time and effort you put into preparing the class. Someday I hope to understand the concepts of DMI, short sales, etc. but thanks for talking on terms I get….Thanks to you I will have money to support me for years to come.”
“Enclosed you will find some very hard worked for cigars. You deserve them. Today is a major day for me. You may recall some months back when I told you that since we had loses (I’m omitting the numbers, but trust me, they were significant) in 2010-2011 of our life long savings. Since I took the Position Trading Class in November, I have made XXXX (this number is also significant) of it back. It is a great achievement and I owe all of it to you (NOT!), your words of Wisdom (NOT!) and the Dean’s List (Right on!!!) You have taught me so much about trading, patience, and taking money off the table, not falling in love, and most of all the SIGN. I get it and it truly amazes me.”
“Thanks for the set up information on Royal Caribbean. I looked at the data, then followed the rules and ended up taking a nice 8% profit. I got out before my “greedy side” took over. This is my first trade like this where I could really see and clearly understand the data that set up the trades. I’m now looking at oil and still watching my positions in the metals.
“I really appreciate the updates and learn something from each one of them.”
“I just wanted to know, that I’m close to tears this morning, anticipating the 9:30 open, tears of joy and bewilderment. A little history…I lost my husband 2 years ago and had to start managing finances when I really didn’t know much about them, that was his job. All I had was my smarts, which I applied to your classes and methodology. I now have the confidence that comes with a job well done.”
“This morning….I took my chances on a poor job report. I figured if nothing has changed to affect the production of jobs, how does anyone expect it to get better? Anyway, I won my bet. RGLD and SLW have performed extremely well for me these last few weeks. All while using your indicators and methods.”
LRCL has not only paid me for my next cruise, but enough to take a friend too. Thank you for that tip the other day, I purchased it around 27. It will be pushing 29 when it opens.”
“Last…I’m working real hard to get another friend to attend your next class…He’s a tough one to convince, but I have some real proof that your methods work!”
“I cannot thank you enough!”
“You nailed it!!!!!!”