Dean’s List April 20, 2018
Posted by OMS at April 20th, 2018
Ticker: | Name: | Rank: | Price: | |||||||||
DIG | PROSHARE ULTRA OIL & Gas | 6 | 40.69 | |||||||||
MRO | USX Marathon Group | 5 | 17.99 | |||||||||
PXE | PowerShares Energy Exploration & Pr | 5 | 23.83 | |||||||||
PAAS | PAN AMERN SILVER CORP | 4 | 17.50 | |||||||||
SSG | PROSHARE TRUST ULTRASHORT SE | 4 | 8.79 | |||||||||
XOP | SPDR S&P Oil & Gas Exp ETF | 4 | 38.98 | |||||||||
FXP | PROSHARES ULTRASHORT FTSE/XI | 3 | 15.31 | |||||||||
OIH | OIL SVC HOLDRS TR | 3 | 27.03 | |||||||||
PXJ | PowerShares Oil & Gas Services | 3 | 9.67 | |||||||||
USO | UNITED STATES OIL FUND LP | 3 | 13.77 | |||||||||
VDE | Vanguard Energy VIPERs | 3 | 101.17 | |||||||||
XLE | Select Sector SPDR-Energy | 3 | 73.65 | |||||||||
ABX | BARRICK GOLD CORP | 2 | 13.32 | |||||||||
CVX | Chevron Texaco Corp | 2 | 123.71 | |||||||||
EEV | PROSHARES ULTRSHRT MSCI EMRN | 2 | 7.73 | |||||||||
GDX | MARKET VECTORS ETF TR | 2 | 23.06 | |||||||||
GDXJ | Market Vectors Junior Gold Miners E | 2 | 34.06 | |||||||||
GSG | iShares S&P GSCI Commodity-Indexed | 2 | 17.39 | |||||||||
PALL | ETFS Physical Palladium Shares | 2 | 98.36 | |||||||||
RGLD | ROYAL GOLD INC | 2 | 89.67 | |||||||||
SIVR | ETFS Physical Silver Shares | 2 | 16.81 | |||||||||
SKF | PROSHARE TRUST ULTRASHORT FI | 2 | 20.53 | |||||||||
SLV | ISHARES SILVER TRUST ETF | 2 | 16.26 | |||||||||
URA | Global X Uranium ETF | 2 | 13.87 | |||||||||
XME | STREETTRACKS SER TR | 2 | 37.26 | |||||||||
XOM | Exxon Mobil Corp | 2 | 79.42 | |||||||||
CEF | Central Fund of Canada Limited | 1 | 13.72 | |||||||||
CUT | CLAYMORE/CLEAR GLOBAL TIMBER | 1 | 34.11 | |||||||||
DBC | DB COMMODITY INDEX TRACKING | 1 | 17.50 | |||||||||
EWG | iShares MSCI Germany | 1 | 33.19 | |||||||||
EWQ | iShares MSCI France | 1 | 32.86 | |||||||||
IYT | iShares D.J. Transportation | 1 | 192.07 | |||||||||
MXI | iShares S&P Global Materials | 1 | 70.78 | |||||||||
PPA | PowerShares Aerospace & Defense | 1 | 58.94 | |||||||||
PSJ | PowerShares Software | 1 | 72.56 | |||||||||
PXQ | PowerShares Networking | 1 | 51.75 | |||||||||
QID | ULTRASHORT QQQ PROSHARES | 1 | 11.42 | |||||||||
SDS | ULTRASHORT S&P 500 PROSHARES | 1 | 39.21 | |||||||||
TBT | PROSHARES ULTRASHORT BARC 20 | 1 | 37.70 | |||||||||
XLI | Select Sector SPDR-Industrial | 1 | 75.93 | |||||||||
BWZ | SPDR Barclays Cap S/T Intl Treasury | 0 | 33.02 | |||||||||
DXD | ULTRASHORT DOW30 PROSHARES | 0 | 8.40 | |||||||||
EMLC | Market Vectors EM Local Curr Bond E | 0 | 19.35 | |||||||||
EUFN | iShares European Financials | 0 | 23.92 | |||||||||
EWC | iShares MSCI Canada | 0 | 28.16 | |||||||||
EWD | iShares MSCI Sweden | 0 | 33.89 | |||||||||
EWW | iShares MSCI Mexico | 0 | 52.53 | |||||||||
GLD | STREETTRACKS GOLD TR | 0 | 127.60 | |||||||||
IAU | ISHARES COMEX GOLD TRUST | 0 | 12.93 | |||||||||
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Ticker: | Name: | Rank: | Price: |
IBND | SPDR Barclays Capital Intl Corp Bon | 0 | 36.03 |
IGF | iShares S&P Global Infrastructure I | 0 | 43.68 |
IHI | iShares US Medical Devices ETF | 0 | 191.21 |
PBW | PowerShares WilderHill Clean Energy | 0 | 25.65 |
PEJ | PowerShares Leisure & Entertainment | 0 | 45.67 |
PHO | PowerShares Water Resources | 0 | 31.22 |
PST | ProShares UltraShort 7-10 Year Trea | 0 | 23.08 |
PUI | PowerShares Utilities | 0 | 26.41 |
PWB | PowerShares Dynamic Large Cap Growt | 0 | 44.23 |
PWC | PowerShares Dynamic Market Portfolo | 0 | 98.50 |
PZI | PowerShares Zacks Micro Cap Portfol | 0 | 19.55 |
SGOL | ETFS Physical Swiss Gold Shares | 0 | 130.19 |
SH | PROSHARES – Short S&P 500 | 0 | 29.68 |
UDN | Bearish US Dollar PowerShares | 0 | 22.89 |
ULE | PROSHARES ULTRA EURO 743 | 0 | 18.20 |
XLU | Select Sector SPDR-Utilities | 0 | 50.76 |
YCS | ProShares UltraShort Yen | 0 | 68.50 |
Learn about the strategy that I use to trade the Dean’s List
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Category: Dean's List