Dean’s List Strategy
I wanted to post the strategy that I use to trade the Dean’s List. One of my stock trading strategies.
Each night, I look at the Dean’s List to find the top ranked stocks or ETFs. These ETFs are always among the strongest ETFs in the market. I have found that it never pays to trade junk. I always look for strength, and the Dean’s List is where I go to look for strong stocks or ETFs.
Then, once I have identified a few strong candidates, I look at each of my three Position Trading (PT) indicators on the stock or ETF.
A Buy signal is generated when all of the indicators turn positive.
Most times the indicators don’t turn positive all at once, you may have to wait several days for the indicators to turn.
I also check to see if there is a well-defined Hockey Stick pattern in place. And if the “stick” portion of the pattern is large. This will provide me with an estimated target for the move. Without a large stick in place, I’ll generally pass on the stock or ETF.
I have found that trading stocks or ETFs without another of my stock trading strategies, the Hockey Stick pattern in place is just a waste of time.
Then, I develop a watch list. If I see an ETF near the top half of the List, with 2 of the 3 PT indicators positive, with a Hockey Stick pattern in place, I’ll make note of it. If the third indicator is getting close to turning positive on the Daily charts, I’ll generally start to look at the stock on the 60’s. If all three indicators turn positive on the 60’s, I’ll Buy my first position or half position based on the 60’s. This lowers the risk, by letting me step into a position.
Then when all of the indicators on the Daily charts turn positive, I’ll buy the second half of the position, giving me a full position.
Find out all about my 3 indicators
my money management techniques
and what I call having my cake (the original position)
and eating it too (the temporary trade)
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