Our Model Portfolio now part of Cum Laude Service
I wanted to share with you how our Model Portfolio works – we started this late February 2019.
Ever since I started One Minute Stock, I always wondered what would happen if I posted a Model Portfolio. The Model could be used to help students structure their own individual portfolios. Recently I was looking at my market timing indicators on the cockpit, it occurred to me that these indicators could be used as the triggers for ETFs in a Model Portfolio.
Anyhow, while I was looking at the cockpit lights, I wondered how a moderately aggressive portfolio, based on the Dow, NASDAQ, Gold, and Crude Oil would have performed during 2018, Frankly i was delighted! My ‘theoretical’ portfolio would have produced a gain of over 129 percent in 2018*. Heck, I’d be extremely happy with a low maintenance Model if it gained 1/3 of the 129 percent in a year!
I started with the assumption that my portfolio would consist of $100,000, divided up into four pots of $25K each. I would then use each pot to buy ETFs that track the Dow, NASDAQ, Gold, and Crude Oil.
whenever the market timing signals for these ETFs turned positive and when the signals turn negative buy the inverse ETFs. These ETFs include DDM, QLD, GLD and UCO as well as inverse DXD, SCO NUGT and others.
We started trackingthis live at the end of February and I post the changes to the Portfolio to members as I change them.Here’s the current performance status, this covers 2 1/2 months since inception we are up over 5%.
Members receive these Portfolio updates in addition to my 5 nights a week commentary so you Know where you are and where to go each day in the market. Also includes my group/sector strategy update and at the weekend we review the upcoming week for you.
Try my service for 2 weeks
ONLY $9.99 https://bit.ly/2E2g6Uv
that’s 8 nightly updates
and 2 weekend strategy reviews
plus the Dean’s List