Edited digital downloads Professor’s Scalp Trading Course
Your three Scalp Trading Strategy videos are included on this page, together with a short description of the video contents. These are edited from the 3 -part course you attended.
There are 3 videos in the package.
Part 1 – Setting up and the custom indicators I use
The first session will be about setting up Ameritrade’s ThinkorSwim trading platform. If you don’t already use ToS, you might want to establish a trading account at TD Ameritrade.
You don’t have to fund this account to get access to ToS. Sign up here before you watch this video. I’ll show you the indicators I use, along with the key settings. All this will be demonstrated during the first 40-45 minute session. I’ve included the custom settings of the indicators.
Part 2 – Selecting stocks and ETFs to trade
The second session will be about selecting stocks and ETFs to trade.
For this I use the Dean’s List and Member’s Watch List from my Cum Laude service. But I do it in a special way, a way that tells me which ETFs and stocks on the Lists are at their peak and which ones are setting up for a big move.
This session is worth its weight in gold. And even if you don’t use the new methodology to scalp trade, it will help you immensely in Position Trades on the 60 minute bars and for end of day trading.
Click the link below and save the video to your local drive.
Part 3 – My new scalp trading methodology
The final session is where I will explain the new scalp trading methodology in detail. Its here where I will share the recipe for my secret sauce with you. My 4th generation indicators in action.
This is what separates an ordinary trade from a high probability trade.
With this new information, you will be able to know which trades have a success probability of 60-80 percent vs. a win probability of over 85-90 percent.
Click the link below and save the video to your local drive.