<a href="http://oneminutestock.com/words-from-the-professor/">The Professor - Hank Swiencinski</a>
It all started in April 2009. I came home from playing golf and told my wife Marcia about a conversation I had with a friend. He told me that he lost a considerable amount of money in the stock market.
When I discussed this with my wife, she opined that maybe people don’t understand technical analysis or indicators.<br/><br/>
Maybe it was time for someone to explain them in simple, easy to understand terms so everyone can use them to make investment decisions for themselves, without the need for ’advisors’.
Or if they had a financial advisor, they can use these indicators to discuss whether they should be in or out of a particular investment. I believe that investors and advisors should know how to manage a portfolio, not just watch it go up or down.